A Man Of Integrity – Pastor Andrew Schank

Pastor Andrew SchankThis sermon deals with a great man of the New Testament… Joseph. Though not much is said of him, we still find a wealth of encouragement by his example of integrity. Not many men would have been so patient and wait on God for an answer as to what to do about Mary. Not many pastors would have been as slow to draw conclusions. May this sermon challenge you to stand fast in your integrity!

Click Here to open the sermon outline found on this website.

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433870: Exploring People of the New Testament Exploring People of the New TestamentBy John Phillips / Kregel Publications

In the same tradition as the John Phillips Commentary, this volume in the John Phillips Bible Characters series provides a rich exposition of the lives of 47 significant, and sometimes overlooked, people in the New Testament such as: Mary, Herod, John the Baptist, Lazarus, Paul, Luke, the ten lepers, and many more. This resource also includes detailed outlines and numerous illustrations and quotations.

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What The Pastor Is NOT!

Every now and then, it is good to be reminded of what a pastor is and is not. What he should be and what he shouldn’t be must be on his mind DAILY! Satan is seeking whom he may devour. Many of God‘s people invite him to the table and they hop on his plate which is seen in the way they conduct their affairs! This a pastor must not do!  This post lists 20 things a pastor should not be! I hope it proves to be of great value to you!

20 Things A Pastor Is NOT!
  1. A Politician To Pull Wires!
  2. A Clown To Simply Amuse!
  3. A Star To Be Gazed At!
  4. A God To Be Worshiped!
  5. A Giant To Do All The Work!
  6. A Magnet To Attract Undue Attention!
  7. A Mat To Be Walked Upon!
  8. A Bookworm To Plague The People!
  9. A Lord To Command The Flock!
  10. A Grafter To Get The Money!
  11. A Maniac To Rant And Snort!
  12. A Skeptic To Deny The TRUTH!
  13. A Hobbyist To Disgust The Folk!
  14. A Sissy To Sicken The World!
  15. A Pharisee – “Holier Than Thou”!
  16. A Publican – Sinful In Life!
  17. A Drone To Seek The “Easy Chair”!
  18. A Bore – A Second-Winded Specie!
  19. A Caterer – Adhering To the Whims Of The Crowd!
  20. A Traitor To Compromise With Error!

The list above was taken from a Booklet entitled, “Riches In Romans” by Rev. Earl Jackson Edwards (Page 78)

482518: Spiritual Discipleship: Principles of Following Christ for Every Believer Spiritual Discipleship: Principles of Following Christ for Every Believer
By J. Oswald Sanders / Moody Publishers

As J. Oswald Sanders points out, true discipleship is more than intellectual assent to a belief in Christ—it involves the whole person and lifestyle.
Those with only a superficial belief will soon fall away from the faith, but Sanders says a true disciple would rather be presented with a difficult challenge than a soft option. Disciples are charged with the task of training themselves to be godly, because it is their responsibility to remain spiritually fit. Ever-fresh topics in this time-tested volume include:

  • the disciple’s second chance
  • the disciple’s ambition
  • the disciple’s senior partner
  • the disciple’s olympics
  • the disciple’s right
  • the disciple’s maturity

In addition, a “For Reflection” guide is included, making this book ideal for both individual and group study.

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8 Principles For Pastoral Leadership

3D Team Leadership Arrow ConceptImage by lumaxart via Flickr

There is a famine in our land today, among God’s people, of solid leadership. Sure, you can fill a position in a local assembly, but have you really gotten yourselves a godly leader? Every child of God needs to be a godly leader, and they need one too! As we consider this subject, contemplate the following 8 principles of  leadership.
8 Principles Of Leadership

#1 – Leadership Involves Qualification

I Timothy 3:1-15 is just one of many passages that deal with qualification for leadership. In the context of these verses, specifically, Paul is speaking about qualification for pastors/spiritual leadership/deacons and their immediate family. Many in the United States, culturally speaking, are far removed from the historical background of this passage and its implications. To even be considered in the running for such an office meant that you were putting yourself in harm’s way! Martyrdom certainly not excluded. Out of the relatively few willing… of that group, the standard was set high. Much like the Levites and Priests of the Old Testament, God’s men, though not perfect, had to meet certain standards. NOTHING HAS CHANGED IN THAT REGARD! What’s more, not only should someone be qualified, but they must be proven!

#2 – Leadership Involves Obedience To God

In the truest sense of the term, leadership implicates someone to be obedient to the leader. If someone is a spiritual leader, then they themselves must adhere to God’s Word themselves. How can they point others the way, if they are on the wrong path? Furthermore, when studying Biblical leaders, you will find that their short comings and sins were paid for and it hurt their leadership capabilities. The “Bathsheba Episode” in King David’s life hindered him greatly. Had he been obedient to the Lord in his morals, who knows, maybe things would have turned out better?

#3 – Leadership Involves Discernment

Much like being in a juror’s box, discernment is critical. Effective leadership hinges upon being able to know your limitations as well as being able to size up other people. No spiritual leader can discern effectively without being filled with the Holy Ghost! He leads into all truth!

#4 – Leadership Involves Temperance

Self control is vital to having an even keel in leading others. Though winds blow and waves rise high, pastors and other men of God, must exercise self control in their leadership. Many a pastor has lost his ministry in a fit of unbridled behavior. King Saul, of the Old Testament, is a prime example of someone who had no temperance.

#5 – Leadership Involves Communication

Much like the communication in the home, if a leader is to point the way, then they must convey the “what”, “where”, “when”, “why”, and especially the “how”! This principle is one of the first to go before trouble ensues. Show me a serious church problem, and I will point out lack of clear communication. By definition, communication not only involves the proclamation, but the acceptance of the proclamation. People may not agree with what has been communicated, but they have to KNOW what has been heralded.

#6 – Leadership Involves Example

A lady once said, “I would rather see a sermon in shoes than hear one any day!” How true this is for most! Leadership without example is like being a mother and not caring for her children. Example is the fine tuning of the message from the pulpit and lectern. As one is encouraged to rise high to the occasions of life, so must the leader be the example of that very admonishment.

#7 – Leadership Involves Motivation

The ability to communicate, evaluate, and illustrate is one thing, but to motivate is quite another behemoth. This is one of the most discouraging issues pastors face! Week after week, we invite people to the table. They are fed, and warmed, but few get up from the table and wash the dishes! Furthermore, fewer are inclined to get off of the front porch and labor in the field. Most would rather sit at the table, and relax on the porch than to allow a drop of sweat fall from their brow! In spite of this issue, an effective leader will motivate!

#8 – Leadership Involves Adjustment

Like the archer of the woods, every spiritual leader must allow for windage. Things often change in the midst of any endeavor that you are leading people in. Being able to think on your feet is very important. Seeing the bigger picture helps to guide the way! Mired down in the muck and mire of circumstances often silences the leader’s voice. Being able to take a moment, stepping back, looking for the bigger picture helps everyone!


These 8 principles are just a few of the important things that an effective spiritual leader will be constantly working on. Every seasoned pastor will echo this sentiment. May every pastor, missionary, evangelist, and child of God seek to acquire these principles as well as to help their spiritual leaders do the same!

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482279: Spiritual Leadership: A Commitment to Excellence for Every Believer Spiritual Leadership: A Commitment to Excellence for Every Believer

By J. Oswald Sanders / Moody Publishers

Charles Colson called it “the best book on Christian leadership I’ve read.” Discover why this timeless classic continues to equip tomorrow’s ministers—and challenges today’s shepherds—toward greater effectiveness! Revised and updated, Sanders’s hard-hitting study explores the essential qualities of a godly leader—and offers sterling examples from Scripture and Christian history. Includes study guide.
In these pages, J. Oswald Sanders presents the key principles of leadership in both the temporal and spiritual realms, illustrating his points with examples from Scriptures and the biographies of emenent men of God.

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