Prioritizing Pastoral Visitation

One of the simplest ways to gain the respect and admiration of any child of God is to visit with them in a time of need. Many Christians can recall a time when a visit from their pastor was the very event that helped them the most in the midst of crisis. Though pastors know this, it can be the hardest thing to consistently perform in ministry!

Even though pastors are stretched in their responsibilities, they must be sure to make quality visits. Not only quality visits, but also various types of visits. Balancing the priority between these can be wearisome. In spite of the frustration that can frequently arise with the visitation portion of ministry, without a doubt, it is the most rewarding experience a pastor can have.

Let’s face it, some visits are more important than others. We are not saying that people are unimportant or less significant, but we are advocating that pastors prioritize who they visit, when they visit and how long they visit certain people. Consider the following…

#1 Church Visitors – When folks visit your worship service, they need a visit! As soon as is humanly possible they need the pastor, and preferably another church member, returning the visit. Even if it is just a minute or two at the door where a gospel witness can be reiterated, this type of visit is essential.

#2 Unsaved People You Are Asked To Visit – Occasionally a pastor will be asked to visit a friend or relative of a church member who is lost. It is very important that the pastor make the visit as soon as he can. Much prayer should precede this, but no time should be wasted by deferring this matter very long.

#3 New Members Of The Community – This is often over looked in the ministry. Through various sources, a pastor can keep up with who has just moved into the community. New move-ins are prime territory for cults. It is best to beat them to the door!

#4 New Converts – These people are in great need of direction and personal care. Frequent visits may be necessary to help disciple the newly saved. The time spent here is never wasted!

#5 The Sick – When someone is ill or hospitalized, a pastor should be sure to make an appearance. These visits are longed for in many cases. People may forget your sermon title, but they will not forget it when you visited them in the hospital.

#6 Elderly And Shut-Ins – The senior saints must not be neglected nor forgotten. They need attention from the pastor. Set a routine and stick with it! These visits are a lot of fun! Enjoy your time with these people!

#7 Church Members – Visit people in your congregation as often as common sense deems appropriate. Don’t play favorites, but spend quality time. Pastors build relationships and this is only solidified with personal visitation!


Visitation is vital to a thriving ministry. No matter how many things are competing for your time, if you are too busy to visit, then you are way too busy! Build a better relationship with people by spending time with them!

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About Andrew Schank

Andrew Schank is an Independent Baptist Missionary/Pastor who loves to blog about spiritual matters! His main ministry website is Andrew is also a contributing author to two other blogs/websites including and Pastor Schank's Church website is
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