Pastor, There Is A Place Called Hell!

Pastor Andrew SchankIt is not a popular subject, nor is it a topic taken seriously among the masses in our society, but that does not change the fact that There Is A Place Called Hell! Many preachers have gone to great lengths to side step the topic. Many, who at one time preached on the issue, have now quit doing so altogether or have since come out and denied the doctrine completely.

Preaching on Hell will usually not draw a crowd. In fact, it usually thins it a little. God, however, is pleased when a “leather lunged” man of God mounts a pulpit and cries aloud, sparing no one! Hell is full of people who want more preaching on the subject, and Heaven is grieving over the lack of preaching on the place called Hell!

I have no way of knowing where you stand on the issue, but I do implore you to listen to this sermon I preached in 2006 to about 60 folks under the ole gospel tent. This was the first tent revival I preached in and I sure enjoyed it! God worked in my heart.

Again, please listen to the message in it’s entirety! Share it with a friend who needs to be saved by God’s amazing grace! Consider leaving and encouraging comment below.

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