Are You In God’s Will?

Are you in God’s will? Time is running out!

Nobody can put a price tag on the peace that comes from knowing you are in the midst of God’s perfect will! Every saved person should know God’s will for their life. It is not that difficult to find and is usually rather obvious to you.

Pastor’s Struggle With The Will Of God…

Pastors sometimes struggle with God’s will over very specific matters. If a man is worth his salt, then he will be very sensitive to the leadership of the Holy Spirit in every facet of his life and of the God-given ministry which he is carrying out. Though struggling may occur, it will clear up as one submits to the Lord! Also, never mock or ridicule someone for taking their time in search of the divine will of God for their life. The added time spent can mean all the difference in the world.

David’s Epitaph…

I am reminded of David’s testimony as referred to in Acts 13:36. He is said to have served his generation by the will of God and then died. How powerful an epitaph that is! What David did is God’s purpose for all born again believers.

(Acts 13:36) “For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption:”  (KJV)

Checklist For Finding God’s Will…

  1. Do what you know to be the will of God already.
  2. Search the Scriptures for verses dealing with God’s will and measure your life against it. The phrase “will of God” is mentioned in 23 verses specifically! (KJV)
  3. Seek God’s will through prayer.
  4. Seek the advice of your pastor.
  5. Seek the advice of a Godly parent.
  6. Wait on an answer before moving forward.

Bottom Line…

(1 John 2:17) “And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.”  (KJV)

Can you answer this post’s title question? Are you in God’s will? Whether you are a pastor or laymen, church member or not, if you are saved, then you need to be in the center of God’s will for your life!

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