Reflections From Great Men Of God

Not to long ago, my pastor, Dr. Bobby Roberson was interviewed by some men sent by Dr. Paul Chappell and Lancaster Baptist Church of Lancaster California. He was asked to share some stories, illustrations, and lessons from great men of God from the past like Tom Malone, Jack Hyles, Lester Roloff and others. Below is that video production which was first shown at the Spiritual Leadership Conference held back in July 11-14, 2010.

After seeing it for the first time, I was overwhelmed. Not only was the technical aspects of the video absolutely first class, but my pastor did a fabulous job sharing these bits of wisdom. Do like I did… soak up this video and seek to put what God teaches you into practice!

I would love your feedback!

Walking With Giants from Lancaster Baptist Church on Vimeo.

Pastor, Are You Leaving Fingerprints Or Footprints

Recently, I was conversing with a fellow missionary about ministry philosophy. At one point in the conversation, I shared a principle, that I read somewhere, about leaving fingerprints or footprints.

It has long been stated that missionaries in a foreign field must be sure to leave only their footprints behind when they leave the field. For example, if an American goes to Peru endeavoring to start a church, then, when he leaves, there should be a Peruvian church there; not an American one. The issue being that the missionary should leave footprints not fingerprints. Understanding the difference in the two can mean everything to a long term, productive ministry.

In general observation of pastors and missionaries that I have known, read about, or were told about in the last 18 years have led me to come to a few conclusions concerning this subject.

(Romans 10:15) “And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”  (KJV)


#1 We Face A Dilemma…

Each day that we lead our congregations, we have to decide if we are going to leave fingerprints or footprints? Leaving fingerprints reveals that the pastor is too involved and things will collapse in his absence. (I wonder if this is what some guys do… creating a dependence upon themselves in the hopes of keeping their position? Just a thought!) On the other hand, leaving footprints reveals the leadership of a pastor. He has LED his congregation. People have gotten involved, and, when he is gone, things continue without fail! People are the very ones who we are supposed to be training! If we, as pastors and spiritual leaders, do EVERYTHING, then we are doing an injustice to the very individuals we are called to help. Basically, it is counterproductive!

It is my personal opinion, after learning this the hard way, that it is better have less with the congregation’s respect, than to have more without their respect. If the congregation of believers are not behind you, then bullying something through will never work IN THE LONG TERM!  Happy is the pastor who learns this! Think about it… you are not always going to be there. The man who follows you will have to rub out your fingerprints before he can leave his footprints! The ministry is NOT about we who pastor, but the God of Heaven and His church!

#2 There Is A Problem That Few Recognize…

I see that many pastors tend to have a “pastor” centered ministry rather than a “Christ” centered ministry. Please understand that many pastors do not realize they do this, though it can be rather obvious on the outside looking in. This situation tends to occur under leadership conditions where it is always about what the pastor wants… at all costs! This is also commonplace where the pastor or missionary has a charismatic personality and can sway people rather easily. In these two types of situations, you find that pastors have their hands in EVERYTHING! It is their way no matter what! Yes, I do believe in oversight, but oversight does not require one to leave FINGERPRINTS on it all.When things tend to center around the pastor, then you might have a problem?

It is also common to see this where a congregation is not on board with the pastor’s vision and philosophy of ministry. Maybe there is a new pastor and he wants to reach out and see some growth. The congregation, however, has “seen this before” and is no longer obliged to get involved. In this scenario, it is quite common to view a pastor doing just about everything and nobody is helping much at all. Rather than leading the congregation, the pastor IS the congregation. When this guy leaves the pastorate, more than likely, fingerprints will be the only thing left behind. It will be harder for the next guy, and, what was accomplished in the short term, will fizzle out! This is due to the congregation’s apathy, but also the pastor’s inability to lead the congregation. A sad situation, no matter how you look at it.

#3 Future Rewards Can Be In Jeopardy…

As a missionary or pastor, you will leave fingerprints, footprints, or both! Sometimes we sacrifice the long term benefits and rewards of ministry on the altar of immediate gratification. It is never appropriate to do this, but we feel that we must do it regardless of the consequences sometimes. God has called us to lead, not be God. Our Heavenly Father knows, all too well, about the people He sent us to lead in the first place. Don’t you think He knows what we are up against?

There is a fine line between strong leadership founded upon the Biblical precept of faith, and presumptuous, pompous, directives birthed from man’s intuitions and inclinations. God will reward our faithfulness, not our accomplishments necessarily. Whether or not we were able to push a particular pet project through a business meeting, as important and as vital as we think it to be, is not the most important thing!

Doing God’s will, in God’s way, in God’s timing is what is important! Sometimes we do the will of God without actually accomplishing what He wanted us to do… if that makes sense? People shut things down, but God sees that. He gave them an opportunity, and they chose to leave it… though leadership was obedient. God will reward us for our labors, no doubt! We would do well to simply follow Him in child like faith and love for He will bless us for being faithful. Most of all, we will have more rewards for leaving only our footprints behind us!

(Galatians 6:7-9) “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”  (KJV)


Friend, I hesitated to post this article, but felt that I must. Please take these thoughts in the spirit in which they are intended. I know that I opened a can of worms which nobody wants to deal with. But should not we address this before, like cancer, it spreads beyond hope of repair? No doubt, many people who read this post will disagree, but that is okay. I am still your friend. We can agree to disagree… agreeably! I would be delighted if you would leave a comment below pertaining to your thoughts on this sensitive issue!

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4 Necessary Ingredients To Exceptional Pastoral Leadership

Have you ever saw an appealing billboard advertisement that caused your mouth to water for that delicious T-BONE STEAK? I am sure you have. What if you went to the restaurant which advertised that steak and found the business to be shabby, run down, smelly from neglect, and providing awful service? Without question, you would be disappointed, and very upset! What’s worse, is many people have visited a church that looked good on the outside, but was absolutely horrible on the inside. Many times this sickening sight was allowed to mature because of poor pastoral leadership.

Even though there are churches who have proper doctrine and such, their image, practice and vision is in the proverbial “toilet”. When one finds a great local assembly with the right teachings, vision and practice, it makes an even starker contrast with the others we have described. It is so refreshing to find a church who KNOWS who they are, where they came from, where they are going, and how they are planning to get there. This does not happen by accident. It is borne along by exceptional pastoral leadership.

“Everything rises and falls on leadership!” the late Dr. Lee Roberson

4 Necessary Ingredients To Exceptional Pastoral Leadership






Vision should come from the leadership of a church. It is born in the heart of the pastor, or should be! Without controversy, Nehemiah was a great leader of men. A vision was propagated from a burden he received when he heard of the condition of his homeland. Nehemiah 1:1-4

Every pastor should have a vision of what God wants his church to be. If you do not know what it is as a pastor, then you had better be finding out or resign from the church as pastor!


You find in the first chapter of Nehemiah that he began to pray about the need of Jerusalem. As a result of this praying, God gave direction. Not only was direction provided, but the means to get the job done was miraculously given as well. God pays for what he orders!

The same principles hold true today! When you pray over your God-given vision, then plan or set goals to accomplish. Every goal should be centered upon glorifying Christ. Share these goals with your inner circle. Remember, if you aim at nothing, then you will hit it every time!


People will commit to help accomplish a vision. It was true in Nehemiah’s day. If the leadership is committed, then the people will be committed. This done not mean the absence of problems, but does mean that the goals can be carried out. Nehemiah 2:18 records the answer to Nehemiah: “Let us rise up and build”.


Character is what you are on the inside. It is all “pie in the sky” if their is no perceived character in pastoral leadership. How quickly the walls crumble by lack of character! It takes time to gain the trust and respect of people.  Be sure that you are right with God as a leader because what you are on the inside will eventually show up on the outside!


What the church is lacking today is not money, talent, and provision, but a lack of morality, character and integrity in leadership; including the pastoral staff. May God revive the desire to live above reproach for the sake and honor of Christ.

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